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Project Coordination and Management

Project Coordination and Management

This component will finance activities related to national and county-level project coordination, including planning, fiduciary (financial management and procurement) and staffing, environment and social safeguards implementation, monitoring and compliance, development of the Management Information Systems (MIS) and Information & Communication Technologies (ICT), regular M&E, impact evaluation, communication, knowledge management and citizen engagement. Project coordination and management will be undertaken by the three main institutions to be established at each level (national, county and community levels), namely; National Project coordination unit (NPCU), the County project coordination unit (CPCU) and the community driven development committees (CDDC) respectively. The units will work in harmony to coordinate implementation of project activities to ensure effective operation of the various committees to implement project interventions. This component comprises of two sub components namely; project coordination, project monitoring, learning, knowledge management, and cross cutting issues.


  1. Project Coordination (USD 10 million)
  2. Project Monitoring, learning, knowledge management, and Cross Cutting Issues (USD 5 million)